Monday, July 6, 2015

What is Pala ?

Pala is one of the very popular folk dances in Odisha. Pala is a unique form of play presentation with high degree of literary excellence. Pala is the source of language, music, dance, art and a social messenger. Once upon a time it is described as mass media that is the main medium of entertainment. The time when there was no facility of transportation and communication, Pala played the important role of media. Be it freedom fight or linguistic movement, Pala played key role. When there was no means for entertainment, Pala provided strong cultural entertainment. Although it is connected with mythology, Pala is often found to maintain religious peace. Pala plays a considerable role in contributing national, international literary knowledge to common illiterate mass. Today villagers know about Sarala Das, Jagannath Das, Shakespeare, Byron, and the credit goes to our Pala performers. They play the role of mass teachers. The trend continues till today.